青島科技大學是一個不錯的學校,深受考研人的追捧,本校每年會有數(shù)千名研究生招生的名額,研究生報考錄取比在3:1左右,難度中等,部分熱門的研究生專業(yè)研究生報考錄取比會更高一點,請各位準備報考青島科技大學法學考研的同學注意: 青島科技大學法學研究生錄取分數(shù)線(或稱考研分數(shù)線)的數(shù)據(jù)。因為每年都有不少人報考青島科技大學法學考研,競爭激烈,所以強烈建議各位準備考青島科技大學法學研究生的考研人準備一些基本的歷年考研真題、 研究生學姐學長的筆記、考研經驗等等(考研派有考研經驗頻道,也有考研派微信公眾號、考研派APP等產品平臺,里面有不少研究生會免費解答你的考研問題,助你考研一臂之力),另外考研派也會為大家青島科技大學法學考研的參考書目、考研大綱、研究生招生咨詢電話等聯(lián)系方式。希望你考取青島科技大學 法學專業(yè)研究生,考研是個孤獨的事情,需要耐得住寂寞,祝愿各位考研的學生好好復習備考,來年上個985/211,實現(xiàn)自己的名校研究生夢想。
2021青島科技大學法律(法學)035102考研科目及參考書目 法律(法學) [035102] 專業(yè)學位
2014-07-04 09:46
Introduction toJuris Master Programs in Qingdao University of Science and Technology
I. Juris Master( ForUndergraduates without Law Bachelor Degree)
(一)學科、專業(yè)簡介(Introduction to Discipline and Program)
Juris Master(JM)is a professional degree education which mainly trains high levellegal and managerial professionals in fields including legislation, judiciary,administrative enforcement, legal service, legal supervision, economicmanagement, social managementetc.
This program wasapproved byMinistry of Educationof PRCto set up in 2014. We have 28 full-time law teachers whichincludes 6 professors, 5 assistant professors,11 master tutors. There are 13faculty members having PhD degrees and 15 faculty members having lawyerqualification. Many of them hold concurrent position as vice president,Standing director as well as director in law society of Shandong Provinceand its sub society and as arbitrator, people's juror. Other than that,law school has more than 30 part-time professors and master tutors.
After many yearsof accumulation, law school has set up one university levelkeymajor, one research base of humanities and Social Sciences, 2university level research institutions, 6 school level research centers. 3 courses of law school have been approved to be university level exquisitecourses. 2 courses have been approved to be excellent courses. Lawschool has strong strength in intellectual property law, economic law, civiland business law, criminal law, jurisprudence and other subjects and has itsown law major brand with the characteristic of intellectual propertylaw. Faculty members have hosted many high level research projects whichincludes 1 national social science fund project, 2 humanities and socialscience project of Ministry of Education. They have published many papersin “Peking university law journal”, ”Tsinghua university law journal”, ”Law andsocial development”, ”Legal forum” and other CSSCI journals. A portion oftheir papers have been completely reprinted by “Materials from Newspapers andPeriodicals Duplicated by Remin University” and a portion of them have beenextracted and compiled by “Xinhua Digest”. A number of researchachievements have gotten excellent social science reward of Shandong Province.
(二)培養(yǎng)目標(Training Object)
To train highlevel, comprehensive and practical legal professionals equipped with legalknowledge as well as knowledge in other subjects who can actively mastersocialist concept of the rule of lawand serve in different legal professional departments. The circumstantialrequirements areas follows:
1. Studentsshould be able to master thebasictheories of Marxism, to conscientiously abide by constitution and law, topossess excellent political quality and citizen quality, to deeply mastersocialist concept of the rule of law andprinciples of law careerethics and to adhered faithfullyto ethical principles of law career.
2. Studentsshould be able to master legal principles and knowledge, to master legalknowledge, legal terms, thinking habits, legal methods and legal skillsrequired by legal career. Students should be able to observe and analyzevarious cases byapplyinglegal career thinking and legal principles and should be able to master and usebasic legal explanation method to do legal reasoning in concrete cases.
3. Studentsshould be able to be familiar with procedures of all types of litigation,arbitration and non litigation, to be able to conduct different litigationactivities, to be able to do survey as well as evidence investigation.
4. Studentsshould be able to skillfully conduct legal agency and defending work, to beable to conduct non-litigation business(for example,legalconsulting,negotiation, contract drafting) and organization and management of legalbusiness.
5.Studentsshould be able to master normal experience of drafting norm documents
6.Studentsshould be able to comparatively master one foreign language as well as be ableto read materials in foreign language.
According tostudents’ major background and choice, law school trains juris master competentfor intellectual property protection, intellectual property management,intellectual property agency.
(三)學制及學習年限(Study Modes andProgramLength)
This programadopts full-time study mode and it normally takes 3 years to complete.
(四)研究方向(Research Directions)
課程教學(Course Teaching)
1. In thebeginning 3 semesters, students will do course study. Lecturing, classdiscussion, special study conducted by students will be used as teachingmodes. In the fourth and fifth semester, students are required to dotraining practice in courts, law firms, legal department ofenterprises and other training basementsin contract withlaw school.
2. In order toforge the characteristic of practice, law school will assign every student onetutor in university and one tutor outside university, the tutor in universitytakes charge of student’s course and dissertation advising, while the tutoroutside university takes charge of student’s training practice related to hiscourses.
3.Courseevaluation includes examinations, course paper, assignment etc.
(七)論文的要求(Dissertation Requirements)
Degreedissertation is a keybenchmarkto measure training quality on master students, also the main link to evaluatemaster students’ creative ability to find, analyze and resolve problems bycomprehensively applying the knowledge they learn, which should be completedunder master tutor’s guidance. This section has 10 credits. Thedetailed requirement for this section is as follows:
1. Aftercompleting required degree courses, getting required credits and passingcomprehensive evaluation, master students will be allowed to go into the degreedissertation writing period.
2. Masterstudents in this program shall decide the topic of dissertation in the third semester, and passdissertation proposal. The topic should focus on practical problemconcerning legal practice, deep legal theories and could reflect students’ability to resolve legal practical problems with the theories and knowledgethey learn. Dissertationproposal report shall be defended circumstantially by students on reasons fortopic selection, materials preparation, problems to resolve, creative points,research plan and progress and shall go through feasibility demonstration indiscussion conference attended by experts in that very field or related fields.only after approval, the research could be conducted. After evaluation bytutor and approval by tutor group, students could draft an outline undertutor’s guidance. After outline is reviewed and revised by tutor,master student could start writing papers. Other than the form ofacademic paper, the form of case study (focusing on more than 3 cases on sametopic), study report and special survey and other forms are also acceptable. Thedraft of dissertation should be reviewed by tutor and given advice on revisingaccording to which the draft will be revised and the final draft will be formedby master student.
3. Requirementsfor master degree dissertation in this program are as follows: (1) Proposedtopic should bear strong realistic meaning. The design of topic should bereasonable and should manifest the characteristics of its direction chosen inthis program. (2) Students should comb and collect similar existingresearch projects in China, or comb and collect status quo in practice ofsimilar existing research projects in China as well as explain focuses ofcontention and unresolved problems. (3) Dissertation should show that itswriter has logically study and analyze layers of questions up to therequirement of “deep analysis” and” reasonable structure ofdemonstration”. (4) There should be adequate argument reasons andfoundations. The language of dissertation shall reflect that writers havethoroughlyread aconsiderable amount of related materials. Juris master students shallread at least 15 academic books other than textbooks during program study, andthe number of books related to dissertation topic read for writing degreedissertation shall not be less than 5. The amount of reading shall bereflected in citations which should manifest that students have read and beenfamiliar with representative academic books in China. References shalllist related materials. Students are encouraged to refer to latest foreignmaterials. In a word, the requirement of “adequate materials” and“compliant citations” should be met. (5) Students should have theawareness of research methods, and should be able to use various researchmethods including social survey and statistics, sociological analysis method,comparative method, method of norm and positivism, value analysis and othermethods. (6) Students should have creative opinions on basis of cautionand earnest. (7) The language should be concise, polished and in linewith mandarin writing norms, the number of words should be around 20,000.
(八)學位授予(Degree Conferring)
The dissertationpaper should be reviewed by 3 experts with senior academic title, one of themmust be professional or scholar outside this university. Withindissertation defense committee, there should be at least one or twoprofessionals in practical department or with senior professional technicalposition outside university. Students who passed curriculum examinationsand dissertation defense will be conferred juris master professional degree.
(九)研究生報考及入學后的補貼和獎勵政策(Student Aid and Scholarship)
1. Each student can get 8,000 RMBstudent aid from university in every school year.
2. The university has graduatescholarship including freshman scholarship and comprehensive scholarship. All new students with exemption of examination by recommendation will getfreshman scholarship, top 90 percent of new students who had this university asfirst choice can get freshman scholarship; comprehensive scholarship will beissued in the 3rdand 5thsemester. Scholarship has 3levels which is 7,000 RMB, 4,000 RMB and 2,000 RMB respectively.
3. University has graduate assistantshipson research and management positions.
4.The law school has “Cheng Gong”scholarship and “Zhong Nuo” scholarship which will be issued to graduate studentswith excellent performance.
(Note: According to policies andsituation in university and law school, contents above can be adjusted inimplementation. The executive right of this explanation belongs to the lawschool at Qingdao university of science and technology.)
II. Juris Master (ForUndergraduates with Law Bachelor Degree)
(一)學科、專業(yè)簡介(Introductionto Discipline and Program)
Juris Master(JM)is a professional degree education which mainly trains high level legal andmanagerial professionals in fields including legislation, judiciary,administrative enforcement, legal service, legal supervision, economicmanagement, social management etc.
This program wasapproved by Ministry of Education of PRC to set up in 2014. We have 28full-time law teachers which includes 6 professors, 5 assistant professors,11master tutors. There are 13 faculty members having PhD degrees and 15 facultymembers having lawyer qualification. Many of them hold concurrentposition as vice president, Standing director as well as director in lawsociety of Shandong Province and its sub society and as arbitrator, people'sjuror. Other than that, law school has more than 30 part-time professorsand master tutors.
After many yearsof accumulation, law school has set up one university levelkeydiscipline, one research base of humanities and Social Sciences, 2 universitylevel research institutions, 6 school level research centers. 3 coursesof law school have been approved to be university level exquisitecourses. 2 courses have been approved to be excellent courses. Lawschool has strong strength in intellectual property law, economic law, civiland business law, criminal law, jurisprudence and other subjects and has itsown law major brand with the characteristic of intellectual propertylaw. Faculty members have hosted many high level research projects whichincludes 1 national social science fund project, 2 humanities and socialscience project of Ministry of Education. They have published many papersin “Peking university law journal”, ”Tsinghua university law journal”, ”Law andsocial development”, ”Legal forum” and other CSSCI journals. A portion oftheir papers have been completely reprinted by “Materials from Newspapers andPeriodicals Duplicated by Remin University” and a portion of them have beenextracted and compiled by “Xinhua Digest”. A number of researchachievements have gotten excellent social science reward of ShandongProvince.
To train highlevel, comprehensive and practical legal professionals equipped with legalknowledge as well as knowledge in other subjects who can actively mastersocialist concept of the rule of law and serve in different legal professionaldepartments. The circumstantial requirements are as follows:
1. Studentsshould be able to master the basic theories of Marxism, to conscientiouslyabide by constitution and law, to possess excellent political quality andcitizen quality, to deeply master socialist concept of the rule of law andprinciples of law career ethics and to adhered faithfully to ethical principlesof law career.
2. Studentsshould be able to master legal principles and knowledge, to master legalknowledge, legal terms, thinking habits, legal methods and legal skillsrequired by legal career. Students should be able to observe and analyzevarious cases by applying legal career thinking and legal principles and shouldbe able to master and use basic legal explanation method to do legal reasoningin concrete cases.
3. Studentsshould be able to be familiar with procedures of all types of litigation,arbitration and non litigation, to be able to conduct different litigationactivities, to be able to do survey as well as evidence investigation.
4. Studentsshould be able to skillfully conduct legal agency and defending work, to beable to conduct non-litigation business(for example, legal consulting,negotiation, contract drafting) and organization and management of legalbusiness.
5.Studentsshould be able to master normal experience of drafting norm documents
6.Studentsshould be able to comparatively master one foreign language as well as be ableto read materials in foreign language.
According tostudents’ major background and choice, law school trains juris master competentfor intellectual property protection, intellectual property management,intellectual property agency.
(三)學制及學習年限(Study Modes and Program Length)
This program adoptsfull-time study mode and it normally takes 2 years to complete.
1. In thebeginning 2 semesters, students will do course study. Lecturing, classdiscussion, special study conducted by students will be used as teachingmodes. In the last 2 semesters, students are required to do trainingpractice in courts, law firms, legal department of enterprises and othertraining basements in contract with law school.
2. In order toforge the characteristic of practice, law school will assign every student onetutor in university and one tutor outside university, the tutor in universitytakes charge of student’s course and dissertation advising, while the tutoroutside university takes charge of student’s training practice related to hiscourses.
3. Courseevaluation includes examinations, course paper, assignment etc.
Degree dissertationis a key benchmark to measure training quality on master students, also themain link to evaluate master students’ creative ability to find, analyze andresolve problems by comprehensively applying the knowledge they learn, whichshould be completed under master tutor’s guidance. This section has 5credits. The detailed requirement for this section is as follows:
1. Aftercompleting required degree courses, getting required credits and passing comprehensiveevaluation, master students will be allowed to go into the degree dissertationwriting period.
2. Masterstudents in this program shall decide the topic of dissertation in the thirdsemester, and pass dissertation proposal. The topic should focus onpractical problem concerning legal practice, deep legal theories and couldreflect students’ ability to resolve legal practical problems with the theoriesand knowledge they learn. Dissertation proposal report shall be defendedcircumstantially by students on reasons for topic selection, materialspreparation, problems to resolve, creative points, research plan and progressand shall go through feasibility demonstration in discussion conferenceattended by experts in that very field or related fields. only after approval,the research could be conducted. After evaluation by tutor and approvalby tutor group, students could draft an outline under tutor’s guidance. After outline is reviewed and revised by tutor, master student could startwriting papers. Other than the form of academic paper, the form of casestudy (focusing on more than 3 cases on same topic), study report and specialsurvey and other forms are also acceptable. The draft of dissertation should bereviewed by tutor and given advice on revising according to which the draftwill be revised and the final draft will be formed by master student.
3. Requirementsfor master degree dissertation in this program are as follows: (1) Proposedtopic should bear strong realistic meaning. The design of topic should bereasonable and should manifest the characteristics of its direction chosen inthis program. (2) Students should comb and collect similar existingresearch projects in China, or comb and collect status quo in practice ofsimilar existing research projects in China as well as explain focuses ofcontention and unresolved problems. (3) Dissertation should show that itswriter has logically study and analyze layers of questions up to therequirement of “deep analysis” and” reasonable structure ofdemonstration”. (4) There should be adequate argument reasons andfoundations. The language of dissertation shall reflect that writers havethoroughly read a considerable amount of related materials. Juris masterstudents shall read at least 15 academic books other than textbooks duringprogram study, and the number of books related to dissertation topic read forwriting degree dissertation shall not be less than 5. The amount ofreading shall be reflected in citations which should manifest that studentshave read and been familiar with representative academic books in China. References shall list related materials. Students are encouraged to refer tolatest foreign materials. In a word, the requirement of “adequatematerials” and “compliant citations” should be met. (5) Students shouldhave the awareness of research methods, and should be able to use variousresearch methods including social survey and statistics, sociological analysismethod, comparative method, method of norm and positivism, value analysis andother methods. (6) Students should have creative opinions on basis ofcaution and earnest. (7) The language should be concise, polished and inline with mandarin writing norms, the number of words should be around20,000.
The dissertationpaper should be reviewed by 3 experts with senior academic title, one of themmust be professional or scholar outside this university. Withindissertation defense committee, there should be at least one or twoprofessionals in practical department or with senior professional technicalposition outside university. Students who passed curriculum examinationsand dissertation defense will be conferred Juris Master professional degree.
(九)研究生報考及入學后的補貼和獎勵政策(StudentAid and Scholarship)
1. Each student can get 8,000 RMBstudent aid from university in every school year.
2. The university has graduatescholarship including freshman scholarship and comprehensive scholarship. All new students with exemption of examination by recommendation will getfreshman scholarship, top 90 percent of new students who had this university asfirst choice can get freshman scholarship; comprehensive scholarship will beissued in the 3rdand 5thsemester. Scholarship has 3levels which is 7,000 RMB, 4,000 RMB and 2,000 RMB respectively.
3. University has graduate assistantshipson research and management positions.
4.The law school has “Cheng Gong”scholarship and “Zhong Nuo” scholarship which will be issued to graduate studentswith excellent performance.
(Note: According to policies andsituation in university and law school, contents above can be adjusted inimplementation. The executive right of this explanation belongs to the lawschool at Qingdao university of science and technology.)
2014-04-29 09:32 法學院
2021青島科技大學法學030100考研科目及參考書目 法學 [030100] 學術學位
青島科技大學法律(非法學)035101考研科目及參考書目 法律(非法學) [035101] 專業(yè)學位
青島科技大學法律(法學)035102考研科目及參考書目 法律(法學) [035102] 專業(yè)學位
2021青島科技大學法律(法學)035102考研科目及參考書目 法律(法學) [035102] 專業(yè)學位
法學考研院校專業(yè)名稱:法學 專業(yè)代碼:030100 門類/類別:法學 學科/類別:法學開設專業(yè)院校:中國人民公安大學 北京化工大學 北京大學 清華大學 北方工業(yè)大學 北京郵電大學 中國民航大學 天津大學 中國人民警察大學 內蒙古大學 大連海事大學 長春理工大學 華東理工大學 南京工業(yè)大學 江蘇大學 浙江理工大學 溫州大學 安徽財經大學 安徽師范大學 華僑大學 煙臺大學 山東理工大學 河南師范大學 武漢工程大學 三峽大學 湖南大學 中南林業(yè)科技大學 湘潭大學 中山大學 深圳大學 海南大學 重慶郵電大學 貴州大學 青海民族大學 新疆大學專業(yè)解析:法學(又稱法律學或法律科學)是研究法、法的現(xiàn)象以及與法相關問題的專門學問,是關于法律問題的知識和理論體系,是社會科學的一門重要學科。此專業(yè)大學排名:0301 法學本一級學科中,全國具有“博士授權”的高校共 40 所,本次參評38 所;部分具有“碩士授權”的高校 也參加了評估;參評高校共計 144 所(注:評估結果相同的高校排序不分先后,按學校代碼排列)。
法學考研考什么法學類考試科目①101思想政治理論; ②201英語一(或)202俄語(或)203日語; ③722法學概論; ④839法理學 法學類參考書目 《法律碩士聯(lián)考考試大綱》 高等教育出版社 《法律碩士聯(lián)考考試分析》 高等教育出版社 (法理、憲法、法制史的復習建議用這本書) 《法律碩士聯(lián)考考試指南》 中國人民大學出版社 (刑法、民法的復習主要使用這本書) 輔助用書: 《重點法條解釋》 中國人民大學出版社 《法律碩士名師精講與考點精析(刑法)》李方曉主編 法律出版社 07年出版 《法律碩士聯(lián)考大串講》中國人民大學出版社 適合沖刺階段使用 《專業(yè)課基礎課必備經典案例分析》 中國人民大學出版社,培養(yǎng)法律思維和法律敏感度,主要是學有余力的同學,幫助對法條進行理解。 配套練習 《法碩聯(lián)考歷年試題及解析》 法律出版社 《五年真題歸類詳解及知識清單》 中國人民大學出版社 《法律碩士聯(lián)考模擬試題及解析》 中國人民大學出版社 《法律碩士聯(lián)考大綱配套練習》 中國人民大學出版社 按照大綱的順序來 《法律碩士聯(lián)考標準化題庫》 中國人民大學出版社 打亂了章節(jié)順序,后期做題比較合適。 《司法考試真題》 法碩考試司法化,法碩考試有部分題來源于司法考試,適合學有余力,想考高分的同學,主要是適合刑法和民法的復習 法學類研究方向 以復旦大學為例
法學類就業(yè)前景 法碩就業(yè)前景首先還是要看就市場,現(xiàn)在經濟的發(fā)展非常的快,所以市場上還是有很多法律方面的人才還是很被需要的,比如律師尤其是涉外的,法碩就業(yè)前景還是很光明,如果恰好又是在大城市,這些就非常的有優(yōu)勢。 法碩就業(yè)前景好還體現(xiàn)在市場上需要房地產這方面的法律方面的人才,比如相關的法律和法規(guī)要有一定的了解,這樣才容易就業(yè)。 法碩就業(yè)前景還比較側重那種金融方面的人才和了解法律方面的知識產權方面的人才。如果單單是這樣看的話,法碩就業(yè)前景是非常光明的。 法碩考試難度分析:http://xueli.kaoshib.com/flss/jyfx/32025.html 法碩就業(yè)前景其實是有幾個因素影響著的,法碩就業(yè)前景首先是你畢業(yè)的院校很重要,法碩就業(yè)前景還有就是個人的能力的好壞,如果能力好,相信你的法碩就業(yè)前景也是非常光明的,第三個決定法碩就業(yè)前景的因素就是學校的位置,可能很多人不能夠理解,為什,法碩就業(yè)前景和學校的地理位置掛鉤,首先你要知道,地理位置在大城市的話,是有很多的就業(yè)機會,而且接觸的東西很多,法碩就業(yè)前景自然就很廣闊的了 2021法學專業(yè)考研群青島科技大學法學考研 推薦
關于我們以下資料由青島科技大學法學研究生團隊整理提供,其團隊成員覆蓋各個院系,專門搜集本校的考研真題和高分筆記、題庫等資料。 專業(yè)課資料作為考研核心資料,部分專業(yè)重題概率極高,必須吃透,反復復習。如有需要高分研究生學長一對一輔導的,也可聯(lián)系我們安排。 考研派網站,為大家提供安全的交易平臺,資料有任何問題,均可向我們投訴,我們會督促考研派研究生團隊解決問題,保障同學們的權益。 最新購買手機商城掃描二維碼,更便捷的購買資料 不僅有商品,還有更多資訊和活動 |