
發(fā)布時間:2021-10-07 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


浙江大學光電信息工程學系導師:鄭曉東 正文




  1. (日、英、漢對照)攝影術語辭典


  1."Terahertz Plasmonic Microcavity with High Quality Factor and Ultrasmall Mode Volume" Zhen Gao, Linfang Shen, Xiaodong Zheng, Jin-Jei Wu, Tzong-Jer Yang, Dongxiao Yang, Plasmonics, 2012.
  2."Interaction between two one-way waveguides" Kexin Liu, Linfang Shen, Xiaodong Zheng, and Sailing He IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, Vol.48(2012), pp.1059-1064.
  3.“Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons in textured metal surfaces formed by square arrays of metallic pillars" Zhen Gao, Linfang Shen, Jin-Jei Wu, Tzong-Jer Yang, Xiaodong Zheng Optics Communications, Vol.285(2012), pp.2076-2080.
  4."運用ASAP 光學軟件模擬單軸晶體的錐光干涉" 林遠芳,鄭 赪,鄭曉東,王曉萍,劉 旭 光電工程,Vol.39, 2012。2,pp.98-103。
  5."Design for Optimal One-Dimensional Surface Profile of EVA on Solar Cell Modules" Yang Li, Xiaodong Zheng and Linfang Shen Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 418-420 (2012), pp.445-450.(Ei)  
  6."新加坡大學實驗室管理及實驗隊伍建設情況調研” 鄭曉東,趙月琴 實驗技術與管理,Vol.28, 2011.9, pp.168-171.
  7."橢偏參數測量誤差對薄膜參數測試精度的影響" 林遠芳,黃強盛,茹啟田,孫碩,鄭曉東 浙江大學學報(工學版),Vol.45, 2011.08, pp.1185-1189.
  8."Photonic crystal cavity with one-way rotating state and its coupling with photonic crystal waveguide" Zhuoyuan Wang, Linfang Shen, Xianmin Zhang, Yigang Wang, Zaihe Yu, Xiaodong Zheng Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 2011, p.043106.(SCI)
  9."Design and analysis of one-dimensional nanostructure on amorphous silicon solar cell for surface reflectance reduction" Yang Li, Xiaodong Zheng, Linfang Shen Advanced Materials Research, Vol.311-313 (2011), pp.1300-1304.(Ei).
  10."世界著名大學光電類實驗課成績評價體系初探" 鄭曉東,聞春敖,王曉萍,劉向東,劉旭 實驗室研究與探索,Vol.30, 2011.7, pp.115-117,147.  
  11."世界著名大學精品課程賞析(一)----美國伊利諾斯大學的“IC器件理論與制造”" 鄭曉東,姜璟,林遠芳,鄭臻榮,張冬仙,李海峰 實驗技術與管理,Vol.28, 2011.3, pp.168-171.
  12."光學虛擬實驗室中典型光路調試的仿真實現" 林遠芳,李拓宇,鄭曉東,劉旭,劉向東 實驗室研究與探索,Vol.30, 2011.5, pp.16-20. 
  13."Using CMOS Image Sensors to Detect Photons",  Chenzhi Xu, Xiaobo Tong, Xiang Zhou, Xiaodong Zheng, Yunfei Xu, SPIE Vol.7723, 77231J, 2010.(Ei). 
  14.“光電信息工程專業(yè)課程設置與工業(yè)人才職業(yè)需求匹配度的研究” 鄭曉東,劉旭,劉向東,王曉萍,劉玉玲 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.196-198. 
  15.“光電效應法測量普朗克常數的數據處理及誤差分析” 聞春敖,鄭曉東 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.191-193. 
  16.“《光信息綜合實驗》課程教學改革及思考” 李海峰,張冬仙,鄭臻榮,鄭曉東,林遠芳 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.175-178. 
  17."用于微納米性能測試的AFM系統(tǒng)" 張冬仙,蔣凌穎,林遠芳,鄭臻榮,鄭曉東,李海峰 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.191-193. 
  18.《光信息綜合實驗》課程的虛擬實驗室建設規(guī)劃 林遠芳,鄭曉東,張冬仙,李海峰,劉向東,劉旭 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.182-184. 
  19.“自組裝光柵光譜儀實驗” 蔣凌穎,張冬仙,鄭曉東,林逸群,毛小蘭,聞春敖 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.213-215. 
  20.“第一屆全國大學生光電設計競賽側記” 郭小瑛,王曉萍,鄭曉東,劉向東,劉旭,姚達 光學技術,Vol.35,增刊(2009),pp.223-255,227. 
  21."基于相對輻射強度的非接觸式LED結溫測量法"(Ei) "A new non-contact method based on relative radiation intensity for determining junction temperature of LEDs" 葉炎鐘,鄭曉東,劉旭,李海峰 光電子激光,Vol.20, No.8(2009), pp.1053-1057. 
  22."LED結溫與光譜特性關系的測量" "Measurements of LEDs Spectral Characteristics and Junction Temperature" 劉立明,鄭曉東 光子學報,Vol.38, No.5(2009), pp.1069-1073.  
  23."基于非制冷直接調制DFB激光器的10Gb/s光發(fā)射器" "Uncooled DFB Laser-based Directly Modulated 10Gb/s Transmitter " 鄭曉東,秦文紅 半導體光電,Vol. 30, No.1(2009), pp.116-120. 
  24."An Apparatus for the measurement of spectral specular reflectance of spot area in curved surfaces" (Invited Paper)(Ei) Xiaodong Zheng, Zheng Wang, Yaodong Zhao SPIE Vol. 7156(2009), pp.71560B-1-8. 
  25."非序列光線追跡程序照度分布計算的隨機誤差分析" (Ei) 鄭曉東,汪揚春,秦文紅 光子學報,Vol.37, No.10(2008), pp.1970-1974. 
  26."知識、能力、素質并重----光學工程研究生實驗教學新模式的探索" 鄭曉東,劉向東,劉旭,毛小蘭,聞春敖 光學技術,Vol. 34, 增刊(2008), pp. 309-311. 
  27."LED封裝技術在光電工程實踐教學中的應用" 聞春敖,鄭曉東,劉向東,劉玉玲 光學技術,Vol. 34, 增刊(2008), pp. 289-291. 
  28."光信息綜合實驗中光源的選擇和性能改善" 蔣凌穎,張冬仙,毛小蘭,鄭曉東 光學技術,Vol. 34, 增刊(2008), pp. 196-197. 
  29."光電信息工程實驗教學的思考與改革"(Ei) "Improvements in the laboratory education program of optical engineering" 鄭曉東,劉向東 光學技術,Vol.33, 增刊(2007), pp.280-281,184. 
  30."光電信息工程專業(yè)實驗教學的挑戰(zhàn)與實踐" 鄭曉東,劉向東 整合培養(yǎng)追求卓越--浙江大學本科教學改革與實踐,浙江大學出版社出版。 
  31."多邊形棒狀透鏡出端輻射均勻性的研究" (Ei) "Study on Illumination Uniformity of the End Surface’s Radiation of Polygon Rod Integrating lens" 金新華,鄭曉東,王政 光子學報,Vol.35, No.12(2006), pp.1964-1968. 
  32."Research and Development of Large Current Induction Linac" S Maebara, X.D. Zheng, A Watanabe, J Kishiro, K Takayama, K Horioka, M Ogawa, S Kawasaki, M Shiho JAERI-Research 2004-007, 40p. 
  33."Observation of the dependence of backward wave oscillator’s microwave output power on corrugatiojn number" I. Morimoto, S. Kawasaki, I. Horioka, XD Zheng, S. Maebara and S. Makoto The Journal of the Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 78, No. 6(2002), pp. 493-494. 
  34."Direct observation of beam bunching in BWO experiments" (SCI) Morimoto I, Zheng XD, Maebara S, Kishiro J, Takayama K, Horioka K, Ishizuka H, Kawasaki S, Shiho M NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, Vol. 475, No.1-3(2001), pp.509-513. 
  35."Study of millimeter wave oscillation by employing an electron beam of KA class" (In Japanese) Maebara S, Morimoto I, Zheng X.D, Watanabe A, Sakamoto M, Shiho M Shingaku Giho, Vol. 101, No. 415(2001), pp. 61-66. 
  36."200MW relativistic backward-wave oscillator" Shiho M, Zheng X.D. Morimoto I, Maebara S, Minami K, Kishiro J, Kawasaki S Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams(BEAMS 2000) (CD-ROM), 4p. (2000). 
  37."Beam transport experiment in JLA induction linac for a mm-meter wave FEL" Maebara S, Morimoto I, Zheng X.D, Kishiro J, Takayama K, Horioka, Kawasaki S, Shiho M Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams(BEAMS 2000) (CD-ROM), (2000). 
  38."Beam Tramsport Study of KA-class on the Induction Linac" Morimoto I, Kishiro J, Takayama K, Zheng X.D, Maebara S, Shiho M JAERI-Research 2000-008. 
  39."Development and Application of Backward Wave Oscillator Driven by High Current Relativistic Electron Beam" Zheng X.D, Shiho S, Maebara S, Morimoro I, Sudou H, Iinuma K Proceedings of the second international symposium on nonconventional plasmas, 1999, p.14-16. 
  40."9.46GHz波段聚焦型波蕩器的設計" 前原直,森本嚴,Zheng X.D, 木代純逸,高山健,川琦溫,志甫瓊 信學技報(日),Vol. 99, No. 498(1999), pp. 63-66. 
  41."Design of Alternately-slanted Focusing Wiggler for mm-meter FEL and the Evaluation of FEL Performance" T. Suzuki, I Morimoto, X.D. Zheng, S Maebara, M Shiho JAERI-Research 99-025, 1999, 86p. 
  42."Propagating quasi-TE modes in a vacuum axisymmetric corrugated-wall waveguide" (SCI) Tanaka K, Minami K, Zheng XD, Carmel Y, Vlasov AN, Granatstein VL  IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol. 26, No. 3(1998), 940-946. 
  43."A corrugated waveguide driven by the linac as a prebuncher and seed-power generator of mm-wave FEL" (SCI) Zheng XD, Shiho M, Maebara S, Nakamura E, Watanabe A, Koarai T, Takayama K, Kishiro J, Minami K, Horioka K, Ogawa M, Kawasaki S NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, Vol.407(1998), pp.198-202. 
  44."Experimental study of a high-power backward-wave oscillator operating far from the upper cutoff" (SCI) Zheng XD, Tanaka K, Minami K, Granatstein VL JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, Vol.67, No.4(1998), pp.1466-1472. 
  45."Linear Dispersion Relation of Double Period Slow Wave Structure for High Power Backward Wave Oscillator" (SCI) Minami K, Zheng X.D, Ota M, Amin M, Tanaka K, Watanabe T Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 65, No. 12(1996), pp.3835-3841.
  46."Double period slow wave structure for long pulse operation of a high-power backward wave" (SCI) Minami K, Zheng X.D, Ohta M, Amin M R Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, p.283, 1996. 
  47."Experimental demonstration of a high-power slow-wave electron cyclotron maser based on a combined resonance of Cherenkov and anomalous Doppler interactions" (SCI) Ogura, K.; Amin, M.R.; Minami, K.; Zheng, X.D.; Suzuki, Y.; Kim, W.S.; Watanabe, T.; Carmel, Y.; Granatstein, V.L Physcial Review E, Vol. 53, No. 3(1996), pp.2726-2729. 
  48."Resonant Enhancement of Radiation from a Backward Wave Oscillator Utilizing Large Diameter Corrugated Metal Structure" (SCI) Amin R, Minami K, Ogura K, Zheng X, Watanabe T Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 64, No.11(1995), pp. 4473-4484. 
  49."Linear Analysis of a Backward Wave Oscillator with Coaxial Slow Wave Structure" ZHENG XD, Minami K, Amin R, Watanabe T Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 64, No. 4(1995), pp. 1402-1411.(SCI) 
  50."Starting energy and current for a large diameter finite length backward wave oscillator operated at the fundamental mode" (SCI) Minami K, Ogura K, Aiba Y, Amin M.R, Zheng XD, Watanabe T, Carmel Y, Destler W.W, Granatstein V.L IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 23, No.2(1995), 124-132.




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