
發(fā)布時間:2021-11-20 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


南華大學(xué)電氣工程學(xué)院導(dǎo)師:楊斌 正文





2014年南華大學(xué)青年英才支持; 2013年獲得湖南省優(yōu)秀博士畢業(yè)論獎;2012年獲湖南省青年骨干教師;2010獲湖南省科技進步二等獎排名第五。

2010.12—2013.12,南華大學(xué)講師。2013.12—至今, 南華大學(xué)副教授、碩導(dǎo)。期 刊-> 鐘金英, 楊斌, 黃國玉, 鐘菲, 陳忠澤. Remote sensing image fusion with convolutional neural network[J], Sensing and Imaging, 2016 (accepted). (EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 楊超, 黃國玉, Efficient image fusion with approximate sparse representation[J], International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, accepted on Apr 23, 2016. (SCI, EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 羅頡, 郭玲, 成芳, Simultaneous image fusion and demosaicing via compressive sensing[J], Information Processing Letters,Volume 116, Issue 7, July 2016, Pages 447–454. (SCI, EI)期 刊-> 楊超,楊斌,*黃國玉,基于多光譜圖像超分辨率處理的遙感圖像融合[J],激光與光電子學(xué)進展,2016年第53卷第2期 pp.021001. 期 刊-> 楊斌, 郭玲, Superpixel based fusion and demosaicing for multi-focus Bayer images[J], Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 126, Issue 23, December 2015, Pages 4460-4468. (SCI EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 陳繼斌, Multi-focus Raw Bayer Pattern Image Fusion for Single-Chip Camera[J], Sensing and Imaging, January 2015, 16(3) (EI收錄)期 刊-> 郭玲,楊斌*,基于視覺顯著性的紅外與可見光圖像融合[J],計算機科學(xué),June 2015, 42 (6A), 211-214.期 刊-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Visual attention guided image fusion with sparse representation[J], Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Volume 125, Issue 17, September 2014, Pages 4881-4888. (SCI 收錄)期 刊-> 成芳, 楊斌*, and Zhiwei Huang, Compressive Sensing Multi-focus Image Fusion[J], Communications in Computer and Information Science, 484, 107-116. (EI收錄) (CCPR2014)期 刊-> 楊超, 楊斌*, Efficient Compressive Multi-focus Image Fusion[J], Journal of Computer and Communications, 2014, 2(9):78-86. (EI 收錄)期 刊-> 李樹濤, 康旭東, 胡建文, 楊斌, Image Matting for Fusion of Multi-focus Images in Dynamic Scenes[J], Information Fusion, 2013, 14(2):147–162. (SCI EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Pixel-level Image Fusion with Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit[J], Information Fusion, 2012, 13(1): 10-19. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Multi-focus Image Fusion using Watershed Transform and Morphological Wavelet Clarity Measure[J], International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2011, 7(5A):2503-2514. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 李樹濤, 楊斌, A New Pan-sharpening Method using Compressed Sensing Technique[J], IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2011, 49(2): 738-746. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 李樹濤, 楊斌,胡建文, Performance Comparison of Different Multi-resolution Transforms for Image Fusion[J], Information Fusion, 2011, 12(2): 74-84. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Multi-focus Image Fusion and Restoration with Sparse Representation[J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2010, 59(4): 884-892. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 李樹濤, 楊斌, Hybrid Multiresolution Method for Multisensor Multimodal Image Fusion[J], IEEE Sensor Journal, 2010, 10 (9): 1519-1526 . (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Texture Classification with Combined Multiresolution Features[J], Machine Graphics & Vision, 2009, 18(3): 305-319. (EI收錄)期 刊-> 李樹濤, 楊斌, Region based Multi-Focus Image Fusion, in Tania Stathaki, "Image Fusion: Algorithms and Applications", Elsevier, 2008, 343-365.期 刊-> 李樹濤, 楊斌, Multifocus Image Fusion using Region Segmentation and Spatial Frequency[J], Image and Vision Computing, 2008, 26(7):971-979. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 李樹濤, 楊斌, Multifocus Image Fusion by Combining Curvelet and Wavelet Transform[J], Pattern Recognition Letters, 2008, 29(9): 1295-1301. (SCI,EI收錄)期 刊-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Spatial Frequency and Morphological Operators[J], Chinese Optics Letters, 2007, 5(8): 452-453. (SCI,EI收錄)會 議-> 楊斌, 羅頡,李樹濤, Color Image Fusion with Extend Joint Sparse Model[C], in Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, November 11-15, 2012, Tsukuba, Japan.會 議-> 羅頡,楊斌,李樹濤, Color Image Restoration Via Extended Joint Sparse Model[C]. in Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, September 24-26, 2012, Beijing, China, pp. 497-504.會 議-> 陶君麗, 李樹濤,楊斌,Multimodal Image Fusion Algorithm Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Particle Swarm Optimization[C], in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, August 18-21, 2010, Changsha, China, pp. 296-303.會 議-> 胡建文, 李樹濤, 楊斌, 基于IHS變換和稀疏表示的遙感圖像融合[C], Proceedings of the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 21-23 October 2010, Chongqing, China, pp. 494-497.會 議-> 楊斌, 孫鳳梅,李樹濤, Region-Based Color Fusion Method for Visible and IR Image Sequences[C], in Proceedings of the Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, October 22-24, 2008, Beijing, China, pp. 132-137. (EI收錄)會 議-> 李樹濤,扶新民,楊斌, Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform for Texture Classifications using Support Vector Machines[C], in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, April 6-8 2008, Hainan, China, pp.1654-1657. (EI收錄)會 議-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Multifocus Image Fusion using Watershed Segmentation and Morphological Wavelet Transform[C], in Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Information Fusion, August 22-25, 2007, Xi’an, China, pp.317-321. (EI收錄)會 議-> 楊斌, 李樹濤, Fengmei Sun, Image Fusion Using Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform[C], in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Image and Graphics, August 22-24 2007, Chengdu, China, pp.719 – 724. (EI收錄)會 議-> 孫鳳梅, 李樹濤, 楊斌, A New Color Image Fusion Method for Visible and Infrared Images[C], in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December 16-18 2007, Sanya, China, pp.2043-2048. (EI收錄)

2007.09—2010.12,湖南大學(xué)控制科學(xué)與工程專業(yè),獲工學(xué)博士學(xué)位。 以上老師的信息來源于學(xué)校網(wǎng)站,如有更新或錯誤,請聯(lián)系我們進行更新或刪除,聯(lián)系方式


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