山東大學(xué)物理學(xué)院導(dǎo)師:解士杰 正文
1980.9-1984.7 山東大學(xué)物理系 本科
1984.9-1987.7 山東大學(xué)物理系 研究生
1987.9-1990.7 山東大學(xué)物理系 研究生
1990.07-1992.07 山東大學(xué)物理系 講師
1992.07-1994.12 山東大學(xué)物理系 副教授(破格)
1994.12-至今 山東大學(xué)物理系 教授(破格)
1996.12-至今 山東大學(xué)物理系 博士生導(dǎo)師
1996.05-1997.05 美國賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)訪問學(xué)者、博士后
導(dǎo)師:Alan G.MacDiarmid (2000年諾貝爾化學(xué)獎獲得者)
2001.06-2002.06 美國Los Alamos國家實驗室訪問學(xué)者
導(dǎo)師:Alan Bishop(理論研究部主任)
1994.06-1998.12 山東大學(xué)物理系副主任
1998.12-2000.12 山東大學(xué)物理系主任
2001.01-2007.12 山東大學(xué)物理與微電子學(xué)院院長
(1) 山東大學(xué)優(yōu)秀青年基金課題“導(dǎo)電聚合物中的電子關(guān)聯(lián)和非線性元激發(fā)”(1992-1994)
?。?) 山東省自然科學(xué)基金重點課題“導(dǎo)電聚合物摻雜研究”(1995-1997)
(3) 國家教委博士點基金課題“磁性多層膜中的電子關(guān)聯(lián)和振蕩耦合研究” (1995-1997)
?。?) 國家教委優(yōu)秀回國人員基金課題“有機(jī)LED的研究”(1998-2000)
?。?) 山東省自然科學(xué)基金項目“柔性襯底有機(jī)LED研究”(1998-2000)
(6) 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目“尺度和維度對金屬鹵化物電荷密度波材料性質(zhì)影響的研究”15萬(No.59871024)(1999-2001)
?。?) 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目“高分子共聚物的結(jié)構(gòu)和性能研究”18萬(No.10074040)(2001-2003)
?。?) 國家自然科學(xué)基金理論物理重大研究計劃“有機(jī)固體物性的理論研究-共聚物研究”15萬(No.90103034)(2002-2004)
?。?) 國家教育部高校優(yōu)秀骨干青年教師6萬(2000-2003)
?。?0) 晶體材料國家重點實驗室開放課題“低維凝聚態(tài)理論研究”5萬(2001-2003)
?。?1) 國家教委名牌課程立項“凝聚態(tài)物理”4萬(2001-2002)
?。?2) 優(yōu)秀國家重點實驗室獎勵基金“高載流子遷移率有機(jī)-金屬配合物和有機(jī)-無機(jī)復(fù)合半導(dǎo)體材料的研制”107萬(No.50323006)(2004.1-2006.12)(合作)
?。?3) 國家自然科學(xué)基金項目“自旋極化電子注入有機(jī)材料的基本性質(zhì)研究”(No.10474056)26萬(2005-2007)
?。?4) 國家自然科學(xué)基金理論物理重大研究計劃重點項目“有機(jī)固體與聚合物器件的新效應(yīng)”100萬 (No. 90403110)(2005-2007)(合作)
?。?5) 教育部高等學(xué)校博士點基金“有機(jī)固體中的極化子自旋輸運動力學(xué)研究”6萬(No.20070422058)(2008-2010)
(1) “一維局域模研究” 1987年榮獲國家教委科技進(jìn)步二等獎(合作)
?。?) “導(dǎo)電聚合物定域模”于1988年榮獲國家自然科學(xué)成果四等獎(合作)
?。?) “電子關(guān)聯(lián)和孤子”于1990年獲得山東省首屆青年科技獎
?。?) “導(dǎo)電聚合物性質(zhì)研究”于1995年獲得山東省教委科技進(jìn)步二等獎
?。?) 《凝聚態(tài)物理》于2001年獲山東省教委科技進(jìn)步三等獎(教材類)
(6) 1996年被山東省確定為國家百千萬工程首批人員
?。?) 1998年獲國務(wù)院政府津貼
?。?) 1999年被確定為山東省專業(yè)技術(shù)拔尖人才
(9) 2004年被山東大學(xué)授予“山東大學(xué)十佳優(yōu)秀教師”稱號
?。?0) “有機(jī)高分子功能性質(zhì)的基礎(chǔ)研究” 于2004年獲得山東省自然科學(xué)三等獎
?。?1) “鐵磁/有機(jī)系統(tǒng)的自旋態(tài)研究” 于2004年獲得山東高等學(xué)校優(yōu)秀科研成果獎二等獎
?。?3) 第八批濟(jì)南拔尖人才,濟(jì)南市委、市政府授予(2005)
[08-1] J.Y. Fu, D.S. Liu, S.J. Xie
Physica E 40 (2008) 915
Polarons and bipolarons in polythiophene in the presence of magnetic field
[07-1] J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie, L.M. Mei, J. Berakdar, Y. J. Yan
Organic Electronics, 8 (2007) 487
Conductance switching, hysteresis, and magnetoresistance in organic semiconductors
[07-2] J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie, L.M. Mei, and Y. J. Yan
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 022115
Bias-induced insulator-metal transition in organic electronics
[07-3] K. Gao, X. J. Liu, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie
Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 205412
Charge carrier generation through re-excitations of an exciton in poly(p-phenylene vinylene) molecules
[07-4] Guichao Hu, Ying Guo, Jianhua Wei, and Shijie Xie
Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 165321
Spin filtering through a metal/organic-ferromagnet/metal structure
[07-5] Guichao Hu, Jianhua Wei, and Shijie Xie
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 (2007) 142115
Bias-induced orbital hybridization in diblock co-oligomer diodes
[07-6] X. J. Liu, K. Gao, Y. Li, J. Y. Fu, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie
Synthetic Metal 157 (2007) 380
Polaron formation dynamics in conducting polymers
[07-7] X. J. Liu, K. Gao, Y. Li, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie
Chinese physics 16 (2007) 1
Two-step dissociation of a polaron in conjugated polymers
[07-8] Guichao Hu, Ying Guo, Jianhua Wei, and Shijie Xie
Phys. Lett. A 370 (2007) 78
Kink and conductance of an organic molecular wire
[07-9] Ma Yan-Ni, Ren Jun-Feng, Zhang Yu-Bin, Liu De-Sheng, and Xie Shi-Jie
Chinese Phys. Lett. 24 (2007) 1697
Effect of electric field on spin polarized current in ferromagnetic/organic semiconductor system
[07-10] Zhang Da-Cheng, Liu De-Sheng, Mei Liang-Mo, Xie Shi-Jie and Sun Xin
Chinese Phys. Lett. 24 (2007) 698
Re-excited states in conjugated polymers
[07-11] 夏蔡娟、房常峰、胡貴超、李冬梅、劉德勝、解士杰
物理學(xué)報 56, (2007) 4884
[07-12] 張永強、李元、李冬梅、劉文、劉德勝、解士杰
原子與分子物理學(xué)報 24,(2007) 493
[07-13] K. Gao, X. J. Liu, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie
Phys. Lett. A (accepted)
Exciton formation with interchain couplings in organic polymers
[06-2] Kun Gao, Xiao-jing Liu, De-sheng Liu and Shi-jie Xie
Reverse polarization in charged π-conjugated oligomers by single-optical excitation
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 29 (2006) 45–49
[06-3]Xiao-Jing Liu, Kun Gao, De-Sheng Liu, Shi-Jie Xie*
Polaron Dynamics in Impurity-doped Conjugated Polymers
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 29 (2006) 87–90
[06-4]Xu-Tuan Gao , Xue Fu, De-Sheng Liu and Shi-Jie Xie
Electric conductance of DNA molecules with adjustable number itinerant electrons
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 29 (2006) 115–119
[06-5] Ji-yong Fu, Jun-feng Ren, De-sheng Liu, Shi-jie Xie
Polarons and bipolarons in polythiophene contacted with half-metallic ferromagnetic manganite
Thin Solid Films 503 (2006) 196 – 200
[06-6] S J Xie , J F Ren, J Y Fu, K.H.Ahn, D.L.Smith, A.R.Bishop and A.Saxena
Basic properties of spin injection and transport in ferromagnetic/polymer systems
Progress in Ferromagnetism Research, Nova Science Publishers Inc. pp.67-84(2006)
[06-7] J Y Fu, J F Ren, X.J.Liu, D.S.Liu and S J Xie
Dynamics of charge injection into an open conjugated polymer: A nonadiabatic approach
Phys.Rev.B73,195401 (2006)
[06-8] Ji-yong Fu, Jun-feng Ren, De-sheng Liu, Liangmo Mei, Shi-jie Xie
Interlayer exchange coupling in one-dimensional CMR manganite/organic semiconductor/CMR manganite
Synthetic Metals 156, 370(2006)
[06-9] J H Wei, S J Xie, LM Mei, J Berakdar and YiJing Yan
Charge-transfer polaron induced negative differential resistance and giant magnetoresistance in organic spin-valve systems
New Journal of Physics 8 (2006) 82
[06-10] Pang ZY, Chen YX, Liu TT, Zhang YP, Xie SJ, Yan SS, Han SH
Giant magnetoresisteance in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3/Alq3/Co sandwiched-structure organic spin valves
[06-11] Xu-Tuan Gao Xue Fu Liang-Mo Mei and Shi-Jie Xie_
Electrical conductance of DNA molecules with varied density of itinerant electrons
[06-12] Xiaojing Liu, Kun Gao, Jiyong Fu, Yuan Li, Jianhua Wei, and Shijie Xie
Effect of the electric field mode on the dynamic process of a polaron
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 172301(2006)
[06-13] Yuan Li, Xiao-jing Liu, Ji-yong Fu, De-sheng Liu,* Shi-jie Xie, and Liang-mo Mei
Bloch oscillations in a one-dimensional organic lattice
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74, 184303 (2006)
[06-14] LI Yuan, HU Guichao, XIA Caijuan, LIU Desheng and XIE Shijie
Grond state and polaron and bipolaron excited states in polydiacetylene
Science in China 49 430 (2006)
[06-15] 李元, 胡貴超, 夏蔡娟, 劉德勝, 解士杰 “聚二乙炔(polydiacetylene)的基態(tài)及極化子和雙極化子激發(fā)態(tài)”
中國科學(xué) 36, 496 (2006)
[06-16] 任俊峰,付吉永,解士杰,“有機(jī)自旋電子學(xué)”
物理 35,852(2006)
[05-1] Wang Lu-xia, Liu De-sheng, Zhang Da-cheng, Xie Shi-jie, Han Sheng-hao, Mei Liang-mo,
Chinese Physics, 14 (2005) 186
Reverse polarization in conjugated heterocycle polythiophene
[05-2] Liu De-sheng, Zhang Da-cheng, Xie Shi-jie, Mei Liang-mo,
Chin.Phys.lett.22 (2005) 178
Polaronic Tunnelling in Organic Triblock Copolymers
[05-3] Li Yuan, Li Dongmei, Fu Jiyong, Zhang Da-cheng, Liu De-sheng, Xie Shi-jie,
Electronic structure properties of diblock copolymer –(PPP)m-(PT)n-
J. Shandong University (Natural Science), 40 (2005) 65
[05-4] J F Ren, J Y Fu,D S Liu, LMMei and S J Xie
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17(2005) 2341-2347
Diffusion theory of spin injection into organic polymers
[05-5] J FRen, J Y Fu, D S Liu, LMMei and S J Xie
J. Appl.Phys.98(2005) 074503
Spin-polarized current in a ferromagnetic/organic system
[05-6] J FRen, J Y Fu, D S Liu, LMMei and S J Xie
Synthetic Metals 155(2005) 611-614
Spin polarized injection and transport in organic polymers
[05-7] J FRen, J Y Fu, D S Liu, LMMei and S J Xie
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 12 (Oct.17,2005) (16)
Spin-polarized current in a ferromagnetic/organic system
[05-8] 高琨,付吉永,劉德勝,解士杰
[05-9] 高琨,劉曉靜,劉德勝,解士杰
[05-10] Kun Gao, Xiao-jing Liu, De-Sheng Liu, and Shi-Jie Xie
“Reverse polarization in charged π-conjugated oligomers”
J. Chem. Phys. 123 (2005) 234702
[05-11] D.C.Zhang, D.S.Liu, L.M.Mei, S.J.Xie, and X.Sun
Synthetic Metals 152(2005) 369
Re-excited states of solitons and polarons in conjugated polymers
[05-12] J.Song, D.C.Zhang, D.S.Liu, L.M.Mei and S.J.Xie
Synthetic Metals 155(2005) 607-610
Density of states of DNA molecule with varied itinerant electrons
[04-1] Shi-jie Xie, Da-cheng Zhang, De-sheng Liu,
Book of Abstracts ICSM2004 (2004) 229
Re-excited states of solitons and polarons in conjugated polymers
[04-2] Da-cheng Zhang, Jie Cheng, De-sheng Liu and Shi-jie Xie,
Thin solid films 477,207-211 (2004)
Phonon states and vibration modes in one-dimensional copolymer
[04-3] Ji-yong Fu, Jun-feng Ren, De-sheng Liu, and Shi-jie Xie,
Thin solid films477,211-215 (2004)
Spin Polarization Study on One-Dimensional Ferromagnetic Metal/Conjugated Polymers
[04-4] 張大成, 程杰,劉德勝,解士杰 物理學(xué)報 53 (7) (2004)
[04-5] 付吉永,任俊峰,劉德勝,解士杰,物理學(xué)報,53 (6) (2004), 1989-1993
[04-6] 任俊峰,付吉永,劉德勝,解士杰,物理學(xué)報,53 (11) (2004), 188-191
[04-7] 李濤,張大成,宋駿,李冬梅,劉德勝,解士杰 原子與分子物理學(xué)報 21(1)(2004)
[04-8] 李冬梅,張大成,宋駿,,劉德勝,解士杰 山東大學(xué)學(xué)報(理學(xué)版) 39(3)(2004)
[04-9] 宋 駿,陳 雷,解士杰,劉德勝,《物理學(xué)報》53(8) ,2792(2004)
[03-1] 王鹿霞,張大成,劉德勝,韓圣浩,解士杰,物理學(xué)報,52(10)(2003), 2547-2552
[03-2] 張大成,王鹿霞,劉德勝,韓圣浩,解士杰, 物理學(xué)報, 52(12)(2003),3191-3196
[03-3] S.J.Xie, K.H.Ahn, D.L. Smith, A.R. Bishop and A. Saxena, “Ground-state properties of ferromagnetic metal/conjugated polymer interfaces” Phys.Rev.B67, (2003)125202
[03-4] D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie, L. X. Wang, J. H. Wei, Tao Li, Sheng-Hao Han, Liang-Mo Mei
Chinese Physics 12(2003), 548
Electronic confinement in quasi-one dimensional triblock copolymers
[03-5] D. S. Liu, L. X. Wang, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei,
Optical Material 23(1-2)(2003),479 - 483
Polaron tunneling in copolymers under external electric fields
[03-6] L. X. Wang, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei,
Optical Material 23(1-2) (2003), 485 - 488
Energy evolution of bipolaron in phenylene ring polymer under high electric field
[03-7] 宋駿,張大成,劉德勝,解士杰,山東大學(xué)學(xué)報 38(2003),
[03-8] 李濤,張大成,宋駿,李冬梅,劉德勝,解士杰,原子與分子物理學(xué)報 20(2003),
[03-9] 李冬梅,張大成,劉德勝,韓圣浩,解士杰,原子與分子物理學(xué)報 20(2003),
[03-10] 趙俊卿,解士杰,韓圣浩,山東建筑工程學(xué)院學(xué)報 18 (2003),10-15
[03-11]Xie Shijie, Wang Luxia, Zhang Dacheng, IUMRS-ICA 2003 International Conference in Asia (Singapore),
Ground State Properties And Spin Density Of Ferromagnetic Metal/Conjugated Polymer System
[03-12] Liu Desheng, Zhang Dacheng, Xie Shijie, IUMRS-ICA 2003 International Conference in Asia (Singapore) ,
Polaronic Tunneling in Organic Triblock Copolymers
[03-13] Zhang Dacheng,Liu Desheng, Xie Shijie, IUMRS-ICA 2003 International Conference in Asia (Singapore),
Effect of Atomic Fluctuation on The Localized Modes in Polyacetylene
[03-14] Fu Jiyong, Ren Junfeng, Xie Shijie, IUMRS-ICA 2003 International Conference in Asia (Singapore),
Spin Polarization Study on One-Dimensional Ferromagnetic Metal/Conjugated Polymer
[03-15] Ren Junfeng,Fu Jiyong, Xie Shijie, IUMRS-ICA 2003 International Conference in Asia (Singapore),
Diffusion Theory of Spin Injection into Organic Polymers
[02-1] D. S. Liu, L. X. Wang, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei,
Synth. Met. 135(2002) 497-498
Electronic structures of triblock copolymers
[02-2] L. X. Wang, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei,
Synth. Met. 135(2002) 501-502
Energy evolution of polaron in poly(p-phenylene) in the presence of high electric field
[02-3] 劉德勝,王鹿霞,魏建華,韓圣浩,解士杰, 中國科學(xué),33(2003)168-177
[02-4] L. X. Wang, D. S. Liu, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie, L. M. Wei, J. Chem. Phys. 116(2002), 6760-6763
Effect of atomic disorder or chain length on the stability of photoinduced polarization inversion
[02-5] 王鹿霞,劉德勝,解士杰,物理學(xué)報,51(2)(2002), 362-366
[02-6] D. S. Liu, L. X. Wang, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei, Science in China, 29(3)(2002),
Doping states of xPPP/yPA diblock copolymers
[02-7] 李濤,劉德勝,解士杰, 山東大學(xué)學(xué)報 37(2002), 429-433
[01-1] D. S. Liu, L. X. Wang, J. H. Wei, B. Zheng, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei. Chin. Phys. Lettt., 18(2001), 1644
Electronic states in quasi-one-dimensional triblock copolymeric sandiwich structures
[01-2] J. H. Wei, J. Q. Zhao, D. S. Liu, S. J. Xie, L. M. Mei, Jongbae Hong. Synth.Met., 122(2001), 305-309
Stability of CDW and SDW in halogen-briged mixed-valence transition-metal compounds
[01-3] D. S. Liu, J. H. Wei, S. J. Xie, S. H. Han, L. M. Mei, Science in China, 45(6) (2001),795-801
Organic quantum-well characteristics of quasi-one-dimensional copolymers
[01-4] Junqing Zhao, Zhiwei Yang, Shenghao Han, Lina Ye, Shijie Xie,
Displays,22,101, (2001)
Transparent conducting films and their influence on the performance
of organic LEDs,.
[01-5] L X Wang, X J Kong, Y X Li, S J Xie J. Phys: Condens. Matter 13(2001),8765
The effect of magnetic field on the ground and excited states of the two-dimensional center
[01-6] Dimensional model of carbon nonotubes Phys. Lett. A (2001),207
J. H Wei, S J Xie S. G. Wang M L Mei
[01-7] Optical properties of diblock copolymers Synth Met.122 (2001),275
J. H Wei, S J Xie S. G. Wang M L Mei
[01-8] 劉德勝,王鹿霞,魏建華,解士杰,韓圣浩,梅良模,
中國科學(xué),31(2001), 928
[01-9] 劉德勝,魏建華,王鹿霞,解士杰,韓圣浩,梅良模,中國科學(xué),31 (2001), 828
[01-10] 劉德勝,王鹿霞,陳延學(xué),韓圣浩,解士杰,梅良模,物理學(xué)報,50(2001), 1763
《青島大學(xué)學(xué)報》,16(2001), 1
[01-12] 劉德勝,王鹿霞,魏建華,張大成,韓圣浩,解士杰,梅良模
《第十一屆全國凝聚態(tài)理論和統(tǒng)計物理會議論文集》(2001), 49
[01-13] 鄭斌,魏建華,劉德勝,王鹿霞,解士杰,梅良模
《第十一屆全國凝聚態(tài)理論和統(tǒng)計物理會議論文集》(2001), 48
[01-14] 王鹿霞,劉德勝,魏建華,解士杰
《第十一屆全國凝聚態(tài)理論和統(tǒng)計物理會議論文集》(2001), 50
[00-1] J.H.Wei, S.J.Xie and L.M.Mei, Acta Physica Sinica 49,1561(2000)
Charge transfer in mixed halied MX compound
[00-2] J.H.Wei, S.J.Xie and L.M.Mei, Acta Physica Sinica 49, 2264(2000)
Polarons and bipolarons in mixed halide MX compounds
[00-3]J.H.Wei, S.J.Xie and L.M.Mei, Acta Physica Sinica 49, 2027(2000)
The lattice vibration of MX compounds
[00-4]J.H.Wei, S.J.Xie and L.M.Mei, Acta Physica Sinica 49, 2254(2000)
Superlattice and multi-quantum-well properties of MX compounds
[00-5] J.H.Wei, S.J.Xie and L.M.Mei, Synthetic Metals 113, 193 (2000)
N-H-Y coupling and localized vibration modes in MX compounds
[00-6] S.J.Xie, J.Q.Zhao, J.H.Wei, S.G.Wang and L.M.Mei, S.H.Han,
Europhysics letters, 50(5),635 (2000).
Effects of boundary conditions on SDW and CDW in organic
ferromagnetic chains
[00-7] Junqing Zhao, Shijie Xie, Shenghao Han, Zhiwei Yang , Lina Ye, Tianlin Yang,
Synth. Met., 114,251(2000).
Organic light-emitting diodes with AZO films as electrodes
[00-8]De-Sheng Liu, Liang-Mo Mei, Shi-Jie Xie, Sheng-Hao Han,
J.Phys.: Condensed Matter, 12,4333(2000)
Electronic structure of polyacetylene and poly(p-phenylene) diblock copolymers
[00-9] De-Sheng Liu, Shi-Jie Xie and Sheng-Hao Han,
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